Clinica de Martin Baro’s Men and Women’s Group

  • The Men and Women’s Group was founded by the volunteers of CMB in efforts to create a space to help address prevalent obstacles that immigrant families within the Mission face. CMB takes a hollistic view when it comes to health and addresses  mental trauma and isolation. Furthermore, the Men and Women’s group mission is to also draw awareness of once self in hopes to keep empowering the community of the Mission by strengthening relationships within once neighborhood by sharing experiences, food, art, and music. Recent projects of the Men’s and Women’s group has consisted of taking patients to the Zoo with all expenses pay in order to provide an evening to the patients to get to know one another outside the parameters of the clinic, engage in a new space, and enjoy an evening without having to worry about the constraints of finances. Other projects  consisted of having a cooking class in which the patients taught one another about a dish special to their home of origin, meanwhile sharing a meal with one another. 


  • The Men and Women’s Group has monthly events. Please keep any eye out for future events within our calendar.